And fast on her heels is transgender die-hard fan Edie Chacon, who’s going to help whether Chondra likes it or not.
Now this once-closeted police officer is going to destroy everyone in his path to get back his love.Ĭhondra Jackson may have played a space-cop on TV as a child, but her whole world as a real cop turns upside-down when those stories creep into a murder scene. Towering above a strange sci-fi world, the Spire is home to over a million residents and at its center rests lesbian character Shå, the Commander of City Watch. What follows is not necessarily all the books with prominent queer characters in the indie market, but certainly ones we recommend you check out! The Spire

But we at Comicosity thought it would also be great to identify where the creator-owned and independent market was knocking LGBT representation out of the park - TODAY. It’s easy for us to point at DC Comics’ five queer-led titles ( Midnighter, Constantine: The Hellblazer, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Secret Six) or that its first chapter of the new DC Bombshells digital-first title starred a lesbian couple. Well, guess what? There’s a whole lot of creative teams in the comic market producing “legitimate” queer representation.

Since then, two Marvel executives retweeted a Gamergate supporter mocking LGBT fan concerns and another stated openly on his own Tumblr blog that the company is waiting for a creative team to “show up, and feel legitimate.” This concern crescendoed with the stone cold declaration that a character who had been identified as bisexual by previous writer Greg Pak - in Incredible Hercules and on his own blog - was now straight.

Without any visible LGBT leads for their All-New All-Different relaunch in the fall, Marvel Comics has given its queer fans a lot to think about. It’s been a very challenging week for LGBT comic fans.